Jeff Guess
Official Website of Award-Winning Australian Poet
Jeff Guess’ name sings contemplative whimsy – but his poetry cuts to the chase. Succinct and sweet, it taps the timeless nerve of human universality while telling our culture’s tales with infinite grace. Methinks he is the finest living Australian poet.
Jeff Guess is the greatest living South Australian poet. Bravo!
His poetry shines with the light of passion and experience. Written with warmth, intelligence and exceptional insight, he captures time, place and humanity, from the universal to the delightfully local.

Born in Adelaide, Jeff Guess taught English in country and metropolitan secondary schools, ‘Writing Poetry’ at the Adelaide Institute of TAFE, and tutored at the University of South Australia.
His first book Leaving Maps, published in 1984, was hailed by Judith Rodriguez in The Sydney Morning Herald as ‘a major collection’. He has had ten collections published. Jeff has written two textbooks on teaching poetry and edited numerous poetry anthologies. He has won many first prizes for his poetry and been awarded five writing grants, and is often on judging panels for major poetry competitions, including the John Bray Award.
His poetry has been published widely and has appeared in most Australian newspapers and magazines. He is represented regularly in leading literary magazines: Australian Poetry, Island, Overland, Quadrant, Meanjin, Studio and Westerly; and major newspapers: The Age, The Canberra Times, and The Weekend Australian. In addition to his published work in Australia, he has been published in America, Canada, England, New Zealand, and Wales.
Available for assistance with all aspects of writing and publishing poetry.
Available for workshops, speaking engagements, conferences, manuscript appraisal, discussion and advice on poetry.
Also a written or verbal appraisal of 15-20 poems.
(Fee – $100: donated to charity)
‘Well Directed’ www.welldirected.org
PO Box 1039 Gawler, South Australia 5118 | jeffpoet@gmail.com
Visit YouTube for readings from the collections.