9.The Town I Loved So Well: Images of Gawler SA.

Gawler Railway Station - Nineteenth Street (Completed 1879)

Gawler Railway Station (c 1885)

Gawler Railway Station (c 1895)

Gawler Railway Staff - March 1973

Original Locomotive built by James Martin (c 1890s)
Railway Station Early Morning
Sun has freed a flock of mottled pigeons
from night rafters beneath the station roof
now they peck along the iron rails
finding between small stones a lean breakfast
metal fences, benches and hand rails
still wear a thin patina of dew
no one has stepped yet into fares and distance
the timetable of synchronised connections
and the stations of events and expectation
only the rhythmic nodding of a pigeon head
the slow dusting of light on a few itinerant trees
the platform morning swept, before stilled air
is shaken in a long steady thunder of the 5.52
and pigeon wings climb invisible rungs to safety.
Jeff Guess
Railway Station
A careful construction of old red clinker bricks
the crumbling architecture of what it takes
to measure transience
counting passengers in and out
from a platform where the train that is arriving
is already returning - sliding back into itself
in the slip case of illusion and the clock
that holds it to a timetable
of signals and bells
the nods and winks of an old conducting
and a muffled speaker box that has always
promised, beyond fares a kind of certainty
after two centuries of small hedge sparrows
pecking up this pale afternoon sun again.
Jeff Guess

Statue of James Martin (1821-1899)
©Jeff Guess 2017