41. Signs and Wonders - Book
Book: Old English boc "book, writing, written document," generally referred (despite phonetic difficulties) to Proto-Germanic *bokiz...

Markings 20
Live your life with an even mind. Examine yourself with a humble mind. Cultivate yourself with a non-abiding mind. Devote yourself to the...

40. Signs and Wonders - Guitar
Guitar: lute-like musical instrument, 1620s, from French guitare, which was altered by Spanish and Provençal forms from Old French...

Markings 19
As we live, we grow and our beliefs change. They must change. So I think we should live with this constant discovery. We should be open...

xxxix. Signs and Wonders - Knife
Prehistoric flint knife. Knife: "hand-held cutting instrument consisting of a short blade and handle," late Old English cnif, probably...

xxxviii. Signs and Wonders - Fog
Fog: "thick, obscuring mist," 1540s, a back-formation from foggy or from a Scandinavian source akin to Danish fog"spray, shower,...

xxxvii. Signs and Wonders - Salt
Salt: Old English sealt Fish and Chips Out from his takeaway food shop, he looks beyond the greasy glass where gum trees swarm in the...

xxxvi. Signs and Wonders - Angels
Angels: 14thC fusion of Old English engel and Old French angele, both from Latin angelus, from Greek angelos ‘messenger, envoy, one that...

Markings 18
Poetry is a language to which there is no defence. ©Jeff Guess 2017

xxxv. Signs and Wonders - Frogs
Frogs: Old English frogga, from Proto Germanic fruska-z, Old Norse froskr, Middle Dutch vorsc, German Frosch. Frog Cakes after Balfours’...