Personal Choice 85
The Scent of Eucalyptus In the early 1980s I approached Barbara Hanrahan with a suite of poems Mary’s Plea: A cycle of poems for...
Personal Choice 84
Sunlight on the Garden The sunlight on the garden Hardens and grows cold, We cannot cage the minute Within its nets of gold; When all is...
Personal Choice 83
MacArthur Park Spring was never waiting for us, girl It ran one step ahead As we followed in the dance Between the parted pages and were...
Personal Choice 82
Max Harris was without qualification the most important supporter of my early poetry and we shared a correspondence where he encouraged...
Personal Choice 81
There Are Too Many Saviours on My Cross There are too many saviours on my cross, lending their blood to flood out my ballot box with...
Personal Choice 80
My Busconductor My busconductor tells me he only has one kidney and that may soon go on strike through overwork. Each bus ticket takes on...
Personal Choice 79
Psalm 139 1 O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. 2 Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought...
Poems for Advent 19
Country Christmas Morning Three trees on the broken hill's face bare now for brown and rock the road that winds out in ungraded heat from...
Poems for Advent 18
JGuess ‘22 Mary's Plea I have no shadow of a doubt he is my son but now I make no further claims for him before when he swam and kicked...
Poems for Advent 17
for my son David Christmas Morning This is a quiet morning so quiet it needs careful listening to between the dark and light a shuffle in...