Markings 123

'The Beehive Corner'
Corner of King William Road and Rundle Mall
South Australia
The Beehive Corner
a sonnet
She stands in a long tradition here
of waiting: and lovers late. With small caught
rain on dark magenta shoes. Behind her
back and under glass - rows of chocolate
cannot tempt her from a vigil of thought
and expectation. The shape of one:
drawn from the anonymous crush of feet,
into a palpable presence - that brings
together the ends of every meeting;
sad or otherwise. Where only two count
time with promises. This corner that in
aspect has so much to recommend it.
After her dark magenta shoes were gone-
before she left, the wind and rain came on.
Jeff Guess

from 'Selected Sonnets' 1991 page 44 (A&R)

©Jeff Guess 2018