6.The Town I Loved So Well: Images of Gawler SA. 'Silky Blue Grass'
Silky Blue Grass
Dichanthium sericeum
after a small woven grass basket made by a local
Kaurna Aboriginal woman before white settlement
The gardeners have been instructed
not to mow
where the Silky Blue Grass
still grows
in diminished and endangered clumps
across the parkland.
For fifty million years
you have tossed your blue green
tufted heads
with fervour
and without all this competition
from notifiable and noxious
Waving the eons by:
until she took you in her long fingers
and gave you a fresh perspective
a new breath
a chance we all live our whole lives for
to be born again.
Jeff Guess
Once widespread across the Adelaide Plains, this last small 'protected' clump still growing near the confluence of the North and South Para Rivers.
©Jeff Guess 2017